Louis Henry: Es sind Optionen, ich bin die Wahl. - Lisbon

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Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 0
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 1
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 2
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 3
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 4
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 5
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 6
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 7
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 8
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 9
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 10
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 11
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 12
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 13
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 14
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 15
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 16
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 17
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 18
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 19
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 20
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 21
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 22
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 23
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 24
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 25
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 26
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 27
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 28
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 29
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 30
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 31
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Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 35
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 36
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 37
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 38
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 39
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 40
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 41
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 42
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 43
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 44
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 45
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 46
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 47
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 48
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 49
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 50
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 51
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 52
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 53
Louis Henry: They are options, I am the choice. 54